
Yeah check up random stuff X3

Wow...Confused people

Remember those flips about "Saving Hatena" from stealers?

Which they posted a flip saying that the spin-off symbol meant stealing because when people make spin-offs they are based from original flips, and that they barely change anything, etc. Remember all that?

Well I knew the results were going to be this one. Some people has been confused, these flips made the new users thin that this symbol of spin off meant stealing only. That's why it has happened that a random person says your flip is "stolen". 

I have this one person that is saying I am stealing. He posted around 4-7 flips of information saying that I stole, and he even admited in one of them: "Do you see the symbol in the flipnote? (the spin off symbol drawn by him) She's stealing! She steals like me". The reason of why all my flipnotes says spin-off, is because since my DSi with the account has a broken screen, I had to bought a DSxl to make flips and then post them with my DSi.

I hope this doesnt happen to any of you, it's kinda annoying. As always I have responded nicely to this guy saying that we can talk about it and maybe be friends. Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

